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ruuvi_interface_communication_ble_advertising.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  ri_adv_scan_t




 Allowed advertisement types. More...


rd_status_t ri_adv_init (ri_comm_channel_t *const channel)
 Initialize Advertising module and scanning module. More...
void ri_adv_rx_ble_phy_enabled_set (const bool is_le_1m_phy_enabled, const bool is_le_2m_phy_enabled, const bool is_le_coded_phy_enabled)
 Set BLE PHYs enabled or disabled for scanning. More...
void ri_adv_rx_set_max_advertisement_data_length (const uint8_t max_adv_length)
 Set maximum advertisement data length. This is used to limit the size of extended advertisement data. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_uninit (ri_comm_channel_t *const channel)
rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_interval_set (const uint32_t ms)
rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_interval_get (uint32_t *ms)
 Getter for broadcast advertisement interval. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_manufacturer_id_set (const uint16_t id)
 Set manufacturer ID of manufacturer specific advertisement. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_channels_set (const ri_radio_channels_t channels)
 Set channels to use on radio. This has effect only on BLE advertising. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_power_set (int8_t *dbm)
 Set radio TX power. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_power_get (int8_t *dbm)
 Get radio TX power. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_response_setup (const char *const name, const bool advertise_nus)
 Configure advertising data with a scan response. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_type_set (ri_adv_type_t type)
 Configure the type of advertisement. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_stop (void)
 Stop ongoing advertisements. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_start (const uint32_t window_interval_ms, const uint32_t window_size_ms)
 setup scan window interval and window size. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_stop (void)
 Stop ongoing scanning. More...
rd_status_t ri_adv_channels_enable (const ri_radio_channels_t channel)
 Select active channels. More...
uint16_t ri_adv_parse_manuid (uint8_t *const data, const size_t data_length)
 Parse Manufacturer ID from given Bluetooth scan data. More...
void ri_adv_enable_uuid (const bool enable_uuid)
 Set to true to enable advertising 16-bit service UUID in primary advertisement packet. More...
void ri_adv_set_service_uuid (const uint16_t uuid)
 Configure Bluetooth GATT Service UUID to advertise in primary advertisement packet. More...

Detailed Description

Otso Jousimaa

Common definitions and functions for all BLE advertising.

Definition in file ruuvi_interface_communication_ble_advertising.h.

Macro Definition Documentation









Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ri_adv_type_t

Allowed advertisement types.


Nonconnectable, nonscannable.


Connectable, nonscannable.


Connectable, scannable.


Nonconnectable, scannable.

Definition at line 32 of file ruuvi_interface_communication_ble_advertising.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ri_adv_channels_enable()

rd_status_t ri_adv_channels_enable ( const ri_radio_channels_t  channel)

Select active channels.

If advertisement was configured on repeat, calling this function has no effect to advertisements on send queue.

Return values
RD_SUCCESSif no more advertisements are ongoing.

◆ ri_adv_channels_set()

rd_status_t ri_adv_channels_set ( const ri_radio_channels_t  channels)

Set channels to use on radio. This has effect only on BLE advertising.

The function call will not modify already queued advertisements, it will take effect on advertisements queued after this call has finished.

[in]channelsChannels to advertise on.
Return values

◆ ri_adv_enable_uuid()

void ri_adv_enable_uuid ( const bool  enable_uuid)

Set to true to enable advertising 16-bit service UUID in primary advertisement packet.

Bluetooth Service UUID lets scanner apps note that your firmware is providing a specific service over BLE GATT. Be sure to configure ri_adv_set_service_uuid, otherwise your program violates Bluetooth license terms. You must have the license to use the configured UUID.

When enabled, the field takes 3 bytes of space in advertisement.

[in]enable_uuidtrue to enable Service UUID advertisement, false to disable.

◆ ri_adv_init()

rd_status_t ri_adv_init ( ri_comm_channel_t *const  channel)

Initialize Advertising module and scanning module.

Initially channels 37, 38 and 39 are enabled. Modulation is decided by radio initialization. If RI_RADIO_BLE_125KBPS or RI_RADIO_BLE_1MBPS is set, primary phy is the configured one and no secondary PHY is used. If modulation is RI_RADIO_BLE_2MBPS primary PHY is RI_RADIO_BLE_1MBPS and secondary PHY is RI_RADIO_BLE_2MBPS.

[out]channelInterface used for communicating through advertisements.
Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success,
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATEif radio is not already initialized.
Modulation used on the advertisement depends on how radio was initialized.

◆ ri_adv_manufacturer_id_set()

rd_status_t ri_adv_manufacturer_id_set ( const uint16_t  id)

Set manufacturer ID of manufacturer specific advertisement.

Will take effect on next send. Has no effect on already queued messages.

[in]idID of manufacturer, MSB first. E.g. 0x0499 for Ruuvi Innovations.
Return values

◆ ri_adv_parse_manuid()

uint16_t ri_adv_parse_manuid ( uint8_t *const  data,
const size_t  data_length 

Parse Manufacturer ID from given Bluetooth scan data.

[in]datapointer to data to parse
[in]data_lengthlength of data to parse
Return values
0if argument is NULL of manufacturer ID not found
BLE Manufacturer ID, e.g. 0x0499 for Ruuvi Innovation

◆ ri_adv_rx_ble_phy_enabled_set()

void ri_adv_rx_ble_phy_enabled_set ( const bool  is_le_1m_phy_enabled,
const bool  is_le_2m_phy_enabled,
const bool  is_le_coded_phy_enabled 

Set BLE PHYs enabled or disabled for scanning.

[in]is_le_1m_phy_enabledTrue if 1 MBit/s PHY is enabled.
[in]is_le_2m_phy_enabledTrue if 2 MBit/s PHY is enabled.
[in]is_le_coded_phy_enabledTrue if 125 kBit/s PHY is enabled.

◆ ri_adv_rx_set_max_advertisement_data_length()

void ri_adv_rx_set_max_advertisement_data_length ( const uint8_t  max_adv_length)

Set maximum advertisement data length. This is used to limit the size of extended advertisement data.

[in]max_adv_lengthMaximum length of advertisement data. If zero, the maximum length is not checked and it is limited by macro RUUVI_COMM_BLE_ADV_SCAN_LENGTH.

◆ ri_adv_scan_response_setup()

rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_response_setup ( const char *const  name,
const bool  advertise_nus 

Configure advertising data with a scan response.

The scan response must be separately enabled by setting advertisement type as scannable. This setting has effect starting from the next time send is called.

[in]nameName to advertise, NULL-terminated string. Max 27 characters if not advertising NUS, 10 characters if NUS is advertised. NULL won't be included in advertisement.
[in]advertise_nusTrue to include Nordic UART Service UUID in scan response.
Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success
RD_ERROR_DATA_SIZEif name will be cut. However the abbreviated name will be set.

◆ ri_adv_scan_start()

rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_start ( const uint32_t  window_interval_ms,
const uint32_t  window_size_ms 

setup scan window interval and window size.

The scan window interval must be larger or equivalent to window size. Example: Interval 1000 ms, window size 100 ms. The scanning will scan 100 ms at channel 37, wait 900 ms, scan 100 ms at channel 38, wait 900 ms, scan 100 ms at channel 39. After scan has finished RI_COMM_TIMEOUT event is triggered if initialized channel has event handler.

Scan is started immediately after calling this function and ended once timeout occurs or ri_adv_scan_stop is called.

Raw scan results are passed to given event handler as on_received events with ri_adv_scan_t as a parameter.

If the message contains Ruuvi-specific advertisement data, the payload is inserted into a ri_comm_message_t with repeat = 0 and it can be read via channel->read

This function is not suitable for establishing connections to peripherals, if central mode is supported in the future a separate connection initialization function is implemented.

[in]window_interval_msinterval of the windows. At most 10s.
[in]window_size_mswindow size within interval. Smaller or equal to interval.
RD_SUCCESS on success.
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATE If scan is ongoing or if trying to scan on other than 1 MBit / s PHY without extended advertising enabled.
RD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if window is larger than interval or values are otherwise invalid.

◆ ri_adv_scan_stop()

rd_status_t ri_adv_scan_stop ( void  )

Stop ongoing scanning.

If advertisement was configured on repeat, calling this function stops advertising before the repeat counter has been reached. This function can be safely called even if no advertising is ongoing.

Return values
RD_SUCCESSif no more advertisements are ongoing.

◆ ri_adv_set_service_uuid()

void ri_adv_set_service_uuid ( const uint16_t  uuid)

Configure Bluetooth GATT Service UUID to advertise in primary advertisement packet.

Bluetooth Service UUID lets scanner apps note that your firmware is providing a specific service over BLE GATT. Be sure to enable ri_adv_enable_uuid.

When enabled, the field takes 3 bytes of space in advertisement.

[in]uuid16-bit UUID to advertise, e.g. 0xFC98 for "Ruuvi Innovations Sensor Data"

◆ ri_adv_stop()

rd_status_t ri_adv_stop ( void  )

Stop ongoing advertisements.

If advertisement was configured on repeat, calling this function stops advertising before the repeat counter has been reached. Any queued advertisements are cancelled. This function can be safely called even if no advertising is ongoing.

Return values
RD_SUCCESSif no more advertisements are ongoing.

◆ ri_adv_tx_interval_get()

rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_interval_get ( uint32_t *  ms)

Getter for broadcast advertisement interval.

[out]msMilliseconds between transmission, without the random delay.
Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success.
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATEif advertisement module is not initialized.

◆ ri_adv_tx_interval_set()

rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_interval_set ( const uint32_t  ms)

◆ ri_adv_tx_power_get()

rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_power_get ( int8_t *  dbm)

Get radio TX power.

[out]dbmRadio power.
Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATEif radio is not initialized.

◆ ri_adv_tx_power_set()

rd_status_t ri_adv_tx_power_set ( int8_t *  dbm)

Set radio TX power.

Takes effect on next call to send, messages already in send queue are not affected.

[in,out]dbmRadio power. Supported values are board-dependent. Value is interpreted as "at least", power is set to smallest value which satisfies the desired level. Actual value is set to pointed parameter as an output.
Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATEif radio is not initialized.
RD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMif given power level is not supported.

◆ ri_adv_type_set()

rd_status_t ri_adv_type_set ( ri_adv_type_t  type)

Configure the type of advertisement.

Advertisement can be connectable, scannable, both or neither: ri_adv_type_t. It is possible to setup scannable advertisement before setting up scan response, in this case scan response will be 0-length and empty until scan resonse if configured. If the advertisement has to be extended type, the implementation will automatically select extended advertisement.

Return values
RD_SUCCESSon success.
RD_ERROR_INVALID_STATEif advertisements are not initialized.

◆ ri_adv_uninit()

rd_status_t ri_adv_uninit ( ri_comm_channel_t *const  channel)