ruuvi.drivers.c  ${PROJECT_VERSION}
Drivers for external sensors and peripherals on embedded systems.
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cfds_evt_tAn FDS event
 Cfds_find_token_tA token to keep information about the progress of fds_record_find, fds_record_find_by_key, and fds_record_find_in_file
 Cfds_flash_record_tStructure that can be used to read the contents of a record stored in flash
 Cfds_header_tThe record metadata as stored in flash
 Cfds_record_desc_tThe record descriptor structure that is used to manipulate records
 Cfds_record_tA record to be written to flash
 Cfds_reserve_token_tA token to a reserved space in flash, created by fds_reserve
 Cfds_stat_tFile system statistics
 Crd_sensor_configuration_tAll sensors must implement configuration functions which accept this struct
 Crd_sensor_data_bitfield_tBitfield to describe related sensor data
 Crd_sensor_data_fields_tUnion to access sensor data
 Crd_sensor_data_tGeneric sensor data struct
 Crd_sensor_tInterface to sensor. Some sensors can implement additional functions. The additional functions are defined in the interface of the sensor
 Crd_test_gpio_cfg_tStructure to configure GPIO test with input and output. These GPIOs must be physically connected on board
 Cri_comm_channel_tControl API for communication via outside world
 Cri_comm_message_tApplication message structure used for communication
 Cri_gpio_evt_tEvent from GPIO
 Cri_lis2dh12_devContext for LIS2DH12
 Cri_power_regulators_tEnable implementation selected by application
 Cri_radio_channels_tBitfield to describe related sensor data
 Cri_uart_init_tUART initialization data
 Crt_adv_init_tInitial configuration for advertisement. PHY will be transferred to GATT.
 Crt_button_init_tStruct for initializing buttons