ruuvi.drivers.c ${PROJECT_VERSION}
Drivers for external sensors and peripherals on embedded systems.
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Driver tets
 Atomic functionsFunctions for atomic operations
 Radio operations.
 Crypto functionsFunctions for cryptography operations
 ADC_NTC InterfaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on ADC_NTC
 ADC_PHOTO InterfaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on ADC_PHOTO
 BME280 IntefaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on BME280
 Environmental sensingInterface and implementations for different, temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensors
 DPS310 IntefaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on DPS310
 TMP117 InterfaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on TMP117
 Environmental sensing with MCUImplement rd_sensor_t functions for environmental sensing on MCU
 SHTCX InterfaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on SHTCX
 Flash storage.Interface and implementations for storing data into flash in a persistent manner
 GPIO functionsFunctions for digitally reading and actuating GPIO pins
 I2C functionsFunctions for using I2C bus
 Logging functionsFunctions for printing out logs
 CPU power
 RTC functionsFunctions for using Real-time clock onboard device
 Interface for scheduling tasks to be executed later.
 SPI functionsFunctions for using SPI bus
 Interface for timing tasks to be exeuted later.
 UART functionsFunctions for using UART bus
 Watchdog timer functions
 Yield and delay functionsFunctions for ceasing the execution of the program, either until some event occurs or until a desired time has passed
 Error reporting and handlingFunctions and definitions for errors and error handling
 Common sensor interfaceFunctions for setting up and using sensors
 Sending and receiving data.
 Advertisement tasksBluetooth Low Energy advertising
 Peripheral tasks
 Flash tasksNon-volatile storage functions
 GPIO tasksGeneral purpose input-output functions
 Interacting with outside world
 LED tasksLED functions
 NFC tasksNFC tasks for application
 Sensor tasks
 LIS2DH12 IntefaceImplement rd_sensor_t functions on LIS2DH12
 ADC tasksInternal Analog-to-digital converter control
 Button tasksUser input via buttons