uint32_t rd_status_t
bitfield for representing errors
#define RD_SUCCESS
Internal Error.
bool ri_gpio_is_init(void)
return true if GPIO is init, false otherwise.
rd_status_t ri_gpio_interrupt_init(ri_gpio_interrupt_fp_t *const interrupt_table, const uint16_t max_interrupts)
Initialize interrupt functionality to GPIO. Takes address of interrupt table as a pointer to avoid ty...
void(* ri_gpio_interrupt_fp_t)(const ri_gpio_evt_t)
rd_status_t ri_gpio_init(void)
Initializes GPIO module. Call this before other GPIO functions. After initialization all GPIO pins sh...
bool ri_gpio_interrupt_is_init(void)
Check if interrupt module is initialized.
Header to enable and disable module compilation.
bool rt_gpio_is_init(void)
check that GPIO is initialized.
rd_status_t rt_gpio_init(void)
initialise GPIO. Pins are in high-Z state by default.